Tuesday, October 16, 2018

dhclient and systemd

I must be one of the surviving user that uses both ISC dhclient and systemd.

Primarily because systemd DHCP cannot handle DHCP-Options (not options, but Options).  The ones that Juniper JunOS DHCP server requires for Verizon FiOS.

So, here begins the long saga of a blog (that I might break up in several blogs)...

First thing, first.

Analysis of systemd dependencies.

I executed:

systemd-analyze dot --order nginx.service network-pre.target network-online.target network.target system-dhclient.slice sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device networking.service nss-lookup.target shorewall.service bind9.service dhclient@eth1.service  ddclient.service resolvconf.service system-dhclient.slice  > /tmp/custom.gv

dot -Tsvg < /tmp/custom.gv > /tmp/custom.svg

firefox /tmp/custom.svg
 As one can see that most people don't have dhclient@eth0.service systemd unit file.

We are going to create a .gv file and convert it to SVG as shown below:


And I finally got my very own Linux gateway to be hooked up to the Verizon HFC network, instead of using ActionTek wireless broadband router.

Details in here:  https://github.com/egberts/systemd-dhclient